A look at the Candlemass Holiday and the Astrology of Groundhog Day; specificly using Punxsutawney Phil's(the groundhog that predicts the Winter weather's lasting affects, or not) Natal Chart(the stars positions at the time of birth,and that chart as the astrology compares to the positions of the stars this year, 2011, comparing both at the same time, together)
Other than a note to whether the ideals are not just irrelevant, impractical abstractions, false optimism, or based on realism rather than some dream world, or a mix of all three:
- A Christian Guide > Christian Holidays > Candlemass IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" by the ShareFaith Media faithclipart.com free trial
- Natal Chart Phill Groundhog Day, 2 Feb. 2011, 7:25 am Punxsutawney, PA (US) AstroTheme.com ; A Chart generator for Your Ascendant and Chart, Placidus House System
- Astrology from ASTRO.COM
- Overall Conclusion or Summary in contexts to influences with Religious or spiritual delusions including the usages or overemphasising of spiritual phrases exceeding the ability to be comprehensable as a danger of over dazzled details...
Written by: David Katski
On February 2nd, Christians Celebrate God's Glory.
Of the various Christian holy days that take place throughout the year, Candlemass (or Candelaria), on February 2nd, may be one of the least well-known ceremonies in the Christian world.
Evangelical Protestants do not count it as a major observance, while Anglican, Roman Catholic, and Greek Orthodox churches hold it in high esteem. Regardless of how your church celebrates or does not celebrate Candlemass, Sharefaith is prepared with a media selection perfect for the event. Visit our site or find out more.
History of Candlemass
The celebration of Candlemass originated in the late fifth century as a tribute to the light of God's glory that was manifested in Christ Jesus. The earliest known observance within the Church was in the year AD 496, during the time of Pope Gelasius. In AD 542 the Emperor Justinian ordained that the Eastern Church celebrate the festival, which he called Hypapante, or "Meeting". The name was derived from the Gospel of Luke 2:22-40, wherein Simeon the priest and Anna the prophetess met the infant Jesus in the temple at the time of his consecration. Simeon's prophecy declared Jesus to be the Lord's salvation and "a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." This passage continues to be the focus of the celebration.
During Candelaria, candles are blessed, lit, and borne in a procession in celebration to Jesus being the light of the world. In AD 638, Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, proclaimed the importance of the celebration in his sermon to the church, stating: "Our bright shining candles are a sign of divine splendor of the one who comes to expel the dark shadows of evil and to make the whole universe radiant with the brilliance of his eternal light. Our candles also show how bright our souls should be when we go to meet Christ." The candles are generally considered to represent the inner light of Christ, which he brought to share with the world.
Celebrating Candlemass in your church is a special and meaningful way to draw attention to Christ. The media options found here may be ideal for a calendar or bulletin.
The timing for Candlemass is also in accordance with the Mosaic Law, which required that a woman should purify herself for forty days after giving birth, and, at the end of her purification, should present herself to the priest at the temple and offer a sacrifice (Leviticus 12:6-7). The Roman Catholic Churches seem to devote greater focus to this aspect of Candlemass, as evidenced by their ritual of the Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin, while the Anglican Churches celebrate the Wives' Feast, which is a time when women gather with feasting and socializing.
Candelaria on February 2nd
The date of February 2nd places the Candelaria celebration forty days after Christmas and continues the religious cycle that leads up to Easter Sunday. Additionally, it is also the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, which is the basis for various ancient European celebrations that commemorate the annual beginnings of the agricultural season.
Also of note concerning Candlemass is its connection to Groundhog Day, which occurs on the same date. This tradition also finds its origin in European folklore, as a prediction for the coming spring.
For the Church, however, Candelaria remains a day of hope and light. It is a time to honor the Lord as the Light of the World and to remind us that we too have that light within us.
For great media to match your needs on any event of the Christian calendar, consider a membership with Sharefaith to enhance your message and clarify your communication. Be sure to check out the Sharefaith blog for up-to-the-minute Christian news and helps for your ministry.
Written by: David Katski
©2011 ShareFaith, Letters & Arts Inc., All Rights Reserved.
(_EXCERT Previous post in mind, this from the post Tuesday, January 18, 2011:
__Tu B’Shevat – New Year of the Trees, though the thought of tree's were from a simple one drawn on the back page on which I wrote; or maybe the front side, it all depends on which way you look at it; that is again, I had written on my page January 18th, 2011, with the book upside down.
_ And that search found a post three links away from Jan 17, 2011 ... Judaism has several different new years. This is not as strange a concept as it sounds at first blush; in the western world, we have the ...bethaderech.com/tu-bshevat/
_KEEP READING FURTHER, This, and more stuff, all still relate; as later on, I will reitterate: February 2nd Morning Study Exodus 29 Exodus 30 Evening Study Matthew 22:1-22Matthew 22:1-22 (King James Version)
Now back to Groundhog Day(the stars at 7:25 am Punxsutawney PA. at right) The meanings of the positions and alignments in a horoscope are from ASTRO.COM ; i.e The Sun returns to the same place as the Sun was at the time of birth at 16:22(4:22 PM)(Sun Conjunction Sun); i.e., so- The relevence here is about Mars and the Moon both hidden in the Ultra Violet Rays of the Sun at 7:25 AM February 2nd, 2011, AND how this compares to Phil's Natal Chart(positions at the time of birth). The Suns return is an activity period from 1 February 2011 to 3 February 2011.
The first importance noting here of the Conjuntions with the Sun. 12th house to 1st House transition. Astro.com 12th House note: The invisible world doesn’t operate like the world of matter, so we shouldn't act like it does. In the visible world if I am harmed, I can go about crying and blaming. If I am just a material being, and my early environment didn't support my Venus or Mercury, I can say I’m just a piece of genetic material with the bad fortune to be born in a dismal circumstance. Not so in the world of spirit. If I accept my spiritual nature, then I must somehow account for my existence before and after the womb. I may come to believe that my choices influence the course of my soul, that past actions have determined my situation this lifetime, bringing me to the right place for the next stage of my development, and that what I do now will affect what happens after I die. If we shift our perspective beyond this lifetime, the 12th takes on a whole new look. We acquire new responsibilities. Planets and signs here are no longer victimized or deprived. What looks like loss on the material plane becomes a sacred initiation or ritual sacrifice in the spiritual realm.
ALSO from a Fall lesson of the Moon Using the New Moon to plantyour dreams, and New Moon and Solar Ingress insights--appropriate to the season and specific to your chart (see example):
Your New Moon Beginning
Saturday October 21 at 11:14 pm MDT
28 Libra 40
Sabian Symbol: A man is aware of spiritual forces
surrounding and assisting him.
“Koyaanisqatsi” is a Hopi word for “life out of balance.” Living outside of
nature’s rhythms is so normal in our culture, we don’t even have a word for it. But
feeling “stressed out” or like we don’t have “enough time” may be our way of
getting at the same thing. At the Fall Equinox, when the Sun entered Libra (just
after last month’s New Moon), daylight and nighttime hours were brought into
equal balance. The Sun will enter Scorpio shortly after this cycle begins, but the
seed for this cycle being in Libra suggests this is an optimum time to re-balance
one or more areas of your life.
The Libra New Moon highlights your 6th House of health and daily work
routines—also service, co-workers, servants and pets. Since Libra rules
relationship, when the Sun reaches this house, you may need an “other”—with
whom to practice generosity, charming speech, and the high art of listening well.
By honoring others you refine your personality, becoming more poised and
graceful, more capable of creating harmony in the world. Springtime favors selfassertion
and discovery. In Fall we recognize we’ll need others to make it through
the winter.
Using the New Moon to plant
your dreams…
Step One: Acknowledge your current concerns
If the Moon’s cycle is at all meaningful, it has to be found in the life you’re
already leading. So for the moment, before you think about any New Moon dreams,
write down all the things that matter most to you right now. If you haven’t
started a Moon Journal yet, this can be your first entry for this cycle. Take stock.
What important events are coming up? What are you excited about? Is anything
troubling you? What is most challenging for you right now? List all your current
concerns. Take an honest inventory for this will help to ground you. Can you see a
relationship between your concerns and the sign or house of this New Moon?
Step Two: Visualize success
Having focused on your present, what would you like to happen with each
concern? Let your mind wander out into future and visualize the best outcome in
all the matters before you. Notice your breathing as you do this. If a particular
situation makes you tense and short-breathed, stay with it patiently, until you can see
the outcome you desire while breathing comfortably. Your positive visualizations
“stretch” your third eye in a way that invites assistance. For once you dream the best
it is natural to wonder, “How can this come true?” Keep asking this question gently,
with enthusiasm rather than skepticism. This is how you call forth inspiration and
divine assistance.
Step Three: Commit to concrete goals
You’ve done the important preparation—grounding into your current concerns,
then opening your third eye toward new possibilities. You’re now proparly energized.
It’s time to declare intentions that are both inspiring and realistic. Devise a
manageable set of goals. I like to wait until the Crescent Moon to write my
intentions. That’s because the energy at the New Moon, while fresh and exciting, is
also a bit unstable. It is easy to intend something on the day of the New Moon and
Twelve Moons Page 3
forget it 24 hours later! But if you plant your dreams with greater care, using these
three steps, your ability to achieve your goals increases dramatically.
"Mars Conjunction Sun", today (February 1st, 2011): The energies of influences are described as Adventures: "You now feel unusually adventurous. Have you just fallen in love? That would explain your energy. If you have already set your sights on a potential [..] " etc.. ;So ...
...so, also combign that with a long term affective influence of "A dominant personality" from the current Mars being in the 1st House, active from January 30th,2011, till the beginning of Aprill 2011.
The meaning of Mars in a horoscope and The meaning of the Moon in a horoscope
Phils Natal Mars from the chart top of page shows these Highlights of Phils Natal Mars: Mars signifies your ability to assert yourself as an individual. It is the energy that says, "I want to be what I am." Along with the Sun, it also has to do with your physical vitality. Mars means being able to take care of yourself, having self-confidence, and eventually demanding your share of what life has to offer.
The house position of Mars signifies the areas of life in which you will be most active, as well as those areas in which you could have great difficulty in getting along with others. A properly developed Mars energy is extremely important because it means you can be yourself and still get along with others.
Mars in the Fifth House 5th hs You have a great need to express yourself and to be yourself openly. You say whatever is on your mind and let everyone know your mood. For this reason, you have a reputation for honesty, if not tact. Mars in Cancer
What you do depends on your moods to an unusual degree. When you are feeling positive and cheerful, you act confidently and assertively. But when you are depressed, you are more retiring and much more irritable.
Mars in Cancer
Mars Opposition Neptune
Mars Opposition Uranus
Venus Square Mars
Mars Square Jupiter
The Moon signifies your basic emotional patterns, your habits, unconscious attitudes and feelings and whether or not you feel supported within the universe. The Moon also tells a great deal about your attitude toward your own past and the historical past. The placement of the Moon often describes your relationship with your mother.
The Moon sign, which is the most important sign after those of the Sun and the Ascendant, describes how you express your emotions and how well you deal with them. Moon in the Fourth House 4th hs
To be at your best, you need to have a peaceful home life, for this means emotional security to you. When you feel strong and secure, you are very kind and sensitive to other people's feelings. But if you feel depressed or insecure, you tend to withdraw into your own private world.
Sun Trine Moon
You have the feeling that you can approach any difficulty in life with complete strength and unity of purpose. Your habits and unconscious feelings will work for your intentions rather than against them. You have an easy approach to life, making it unnecessary to strain yourself in anything you do. You have an ability to flow with events without offering much resistance.
Whenever you have to deal with serious tensions in your life, you can devote all your energy to resolving them without having to worry about fighting battles with yourself.
- First look at some differences, Knowing 7:25 am is the event time: Sun in Aquarius, Moon now in Aquarius Retrograde 6 degrees out of Capricorn will be moving Direct thru Aquarious and will still be in the 12th house•
- Mars Conjunction Sun, exact at 03:56 (L)
- Mars Trine Moon, exact at 06:46 (L)
- Jupiter Trine Med.Coeli, exact at 10:47
- Sun Trine Moon, exact at 18:35
- Moon Conjunction Ascendant, exact at 17:39
- Moon Conjunction Sun, exact at 21:05
- Moon in the 1st House, from 17:39
- Moon Trine Moon, exact at 21:16
- Moon Trine Jupiter, exact at 23:01
- New Moon in house 1, exact at 21:31 (L)
Grand Trine and a Squares (The Moon and The Sun Mercury Conjunction and Jupiter) Grand trines occur when three planets are in trine to each other, so they will share the same element. All 'closed' aspect patterns have a feeling of self-sufficiency about them, and the grand trine is so whole and complete that it tends to cancel itself out. In our culture, which values the work ethic and the achievement of goals, the grand trine tends to be on the receiving end of judgements such as laziness, inertia, a lack of self discipline, and the avoidance of responsibility. These criticisms do not allow for the inner sense of harmony, wholeness and completion which is such a positive feature of the grand trine.
Mars opposition to Uranus Conjunction Neptune and Jupiter Squares both Mars and Uranus Neptune Conjunction.
Jupiter Square Neptune? No.
You respond to people who need your understanding of their social predicament, whether it is a personal problem or one they share with others. Working together, you can restore order and freedom where there was chaos and privation.
This aspect has two distinct sides. Some people experience its energies within themselves, while others experience it primarily through others.
If you experience it in yourself, you see others as a threat to your actions and yourself. You feel that you must constantly fight anyone who tries to keep you in check.
If you experience this aspect through other people, you may be someone who appears quite orderly and conventional, but you attract disruptive people who will not leave you in peace.
In either case, you must come to terms with other people in some way. Basically you are a fighter who thrives on a certain amount of conflicts, but you should learn to recognize when that is appropriate and when it is not.
Association of Unity Churches
MYRTLE FILLMORE COLLECTION. View the online exhibit. UNITY IN EGYPT. Take the journey. Unity in Egypt: Secrets of the. Ancient World. March 18–29, 2011 ...www.unityonline.org/
Unity Store: The Essential Charles Fillmore
Aug 1, 1999 ... This is a major comprehensive overview of the best and clearest writing of Charles Fillmore, a pioneer in the New Thought movement and ...shop.unityonline.org/products/B0076
The History of Unity - Unity
Aug 23, 2010 ... This page describes the Unity founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, and the history of Unity from 1845 until current times.unityonline.org/discover_history.htm
Unity Store: The Spiritual Journey of Charles Fillmore
Jan 1, 2009 ... The Spiritual Journey of Charles Fillmore sheds new light on the life and work of an important spiritual pioneer. ...shop.unityonline.org/products/B0058
Spiritual Development Program: Biblical
The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary (Charles Fillmore) A journal to record your thoughts (for ... Books of interest. The Revealing Word (Charles Fillmore) ...admin.unityonline.org/education/see/programs/sdp/biblical.html
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