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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Wait! Check the thermostat! Any delay?
The thermostat is correct and a visual affect in inspection may be perfect.
Questioning it is just okay. The questioning may be even more valuable than the answers; the fact that you questioned may also have been for reasons of other interests.
You listned to the answers, now listen to yourself; specially if reasoned questioning was of interests elsewhere, and/or for other's; divided but not enough enthused to decide, a testing not par for your coarse.
Before Spring cleaning, try nesting at home, or work, meditating on ideas sacred and to your own perfections; relaxing all the conditions noted, then soon you can build those things right instead.
The conditioning should be ballanced with the environment, which may need some overhaul as well. Now wiyh these, don't get consumed domesticly; rather socially, meditate on the collect skills that you have and those needed in the directing of your dreams.
Hope; when the breaks in the weather work in the material and relax in the dream.
The visual becomes the dream, sharing it be becomes the life, and living it; all part of the blessings, the hope rests in all the thanks and credit within; knowing even if in all the ways given are in the right place and order, the cause was worthy, as all agreed within the limits visable. Some things are just for ourselves personaly, and other gifts are able to be shared and enoyed both with ourselves and others and sometime just for others.
Still, it may take stretching the budgets and the expectations.

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